Light Up Your Life Year-Round with Permanent Christmas Lights

Light Up Your Life Year-Round with Permanent Christmas Lights - AmbientLights

Tired of the annual ritual of hanging Christmas lights, only to take them down again once the holiday season is over? Looking for a versatile, high-end lighting solution that can be customized for any occasion? You're in the right place. In this article, we'll cover:

  • The convenience of permanent Christmas lights
  • Energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness
  • Programming and scheduling options
  • Types of bulbs and their effects
  • Installation considerations
  • Maintenance and warranty benefits
  • How to use the smartphone app for customization

Setting the Scene for Holiday Decorating

We all love the magical glow that Christmas lights bring to our homes. But let's face it, the process of hanging them up and taking them down every year can be a hassle. Not to mention the risks involved in climbing ladders and dealing with tangled wires. Enter AmbientLights, a game-changing solution that offers permanent, smart-enabled, and energy-efficient lighting for any occasion.

The Convenience of Permanent Lights

Year-Round Weather Resistance

One of the standout features of AmbientLights is their year-round weather resistance. Unlike traditional Christmas lights, these are designed to be a permanent fixture on your home. This means no more climbing ladders or worrying about weather damage.

Control Through Phone Apps

Imagine controlling your home's lighting from the comfort of your couch. With AmbientLights, you can do just that. Their smart-enabled feature allows you to control each light individually, offering the ultimate in customization.

Versatility for All Holidays

Whether it's Christmas, Halloween, or the Fourth of July, these lights have got you covered. The RGBWIC LED Chip Technology allows you to customize colors for any occasion, making your home the talk of the town.

Energy Efficiency

Comparison of LED Bulbs to Traditional Bulbs

LED bulbs are not only brighter but also more energy-efficient than traditional bulbs. AmbientLights' LED technology emits 57 Lumens, providing a bright yet energy-efficient lighting solution.

Cost-Effectiveness: A Smart Long-Term Investment

While the upfront cost of AmbientLights may be higher than traditional Christmas lights, it's crucial to consider the long-term financial benefits. Many people opt for professionally installed Christmas lights each year, which can become a recurring and expensive endeavor. These annual installation costs can quickly add up, making it a pricey tradition over the years.

In contrast, AmbientLights require just one initial investment for a lighting solution that lasts. If you run these lights for 8 hours a day, 365 days a year, they could last you over 17 years. When you compare this to the annual costs of professional Christmas light installations, AmbientLights essentially pay for themselves in as little as two years.

So, not only do you get the convenience and customization that AmbientLights offer, but you also enjoy significant long-term savings. It's a win-win situation that makes AmbientLights a cost-effective choice for smart homeowners.

Programming and Scheduling

How to Set Automatic Schedules

Gone are the days of manually turning your lights on and off. With the AmbientLights smartphone app, you can set automatic schedules, ensuring your home is always lit up when you want it to be.

Coloration and Patterns

The app also allows you to set different coloration and patterns, offering endless possibilities for customization. Whether you want a warm, cozy glow or a vibrant, party atmosphere, the choice is yours.

Types of Bulbs

LED Lights as the Best Choice

When it comes to lighting, LED is the way to go. Not only are they energy-efficient, but they also offer a range of customization options, from colors to brightness levels.

Different Shapes for Different Effects

AmbientLights offers a variety of bulb shapes to suit your aesthetic needs. Whether you prefer a classic look or something more modern, there's something for everyone.


DIY vs. Professional Installation

If you're a DIY enthusiast, you'll be pleased to know that AmbientLights offers a seamless hidden installation option. However, if you'd rather leave it to the pros, any handyman can deliver a professional installation services.

Safety Considerations

Safety is a top priority. The weathertight control unit can be installed either inside or outside, providing Wi-Fi control from your smartphone. This eliminates the need for any risky electrical work.


Replacing Bulbs

One of the best things about AmbientLights is their low maintenance. Once installed properly, these lights require no further attention. However, should you need to replace a bulb, the process is straightforward.

Warranty Benefits

Peace of mind is priceless. That's why AmbientLights come with a 2-year warranty, ensuring you're covered in the unlikely event of a malfunction.

How to Use the Programming

Ease of Use

The AmbientLights smartphone app is user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to control their lighting system.

Smartphone App Features

From setting schedules to choosing colors, the app offers a range of features that allow you to customize your lighting to your heart's content.


Permanent Christmas lights are not just for the holidays; they're a versatile, energy-efficient, and convenient solution for year-round lighting needs. With features like smartphone control, automatic scheduling, and a range of customization options, AmbientLights are the future of home lighting. Ready to make the switch? Visit our contact page to get started today!

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